Certification Bio

HomeCertification Bio


The European Union’s geographical indications system aims to promote both the productive activity and the economy of its territories, as well as the protection of the environment and the safeguarding of ecosystems and biodiversity. Community certification also offers greater consumer protection thanks to a higher level of traceability and higher food security than other products.

The application for registration at Community level can be submitted by subjects from countries inside or outside the European Union. This represents an opportunity for the many quality productions of the entire Mediterranean area that can benefit from a registration system and international protection.

RipaWine Company offers strong guarantees to its customers, thanks to a systematic quality control and certification process, ensuring that every product you purchase is checked at each stage of production. Please note that these organic guarantee procedures are not a substitute, but an addition to the standard checks, such as sanitary inspections, normally carried out in any farm.


CCPB is authorized to issue D.O.P. and I.G.P. certifications approved by the competent authorities in accordance with Community legislation (CE Regulation 1151/2012, as regards typical products DOP -.IGP and STG and Regulation CE 491/2009 for typical wines).

Request our “Certificate of Conformity”

Certificazione BIO RipaWine 1
Certificazione BIO RipaWine 2